Staying in a place for too long is somewhat not worth it in some cases, but nevertheless, one cannot give up on waiting for the right time once there’s room for growth as we long for the expected positive change. Nobody can change the world unless he gives up all his personal desires to pursue the desire of the world. No matter how slow you may be moving, it doesn’t matter how long the journey may be; all you need is to focus on your mission and get it achieved.
Never looked down on yourself, no matter the situation or circumstance. Nobody is better than you are unless you first relinquish yourself to the background. Even in the hardest of economic situations, there are still greater things you can do to make ends meet. Even in the midst of failure, there are high hopes of success, only to that man who is positive minded.
We all cannot do everything at the same time in the same pace, but we can all achieve greatness when we bring in our expertise, devotion and dedication to foster a stronger togetherness. Nobody is useless or less important; those ahead were only privileged and grab the rare opportunities that surfaced. We don’t need too much money or too much fame to do what is right; we just only need the power to push on to light up our destinies.
Nothing can change in the world today, without being changed by people. If we eventually expect things to change in our favour; it means we are out for a mission. We cannot get whatever we want unless we go for it. The destiny of everyone is in his/her hand. We must never give up in life, rather we must be smart to sharpen our reasoning in order to save our future for good. Stay where you, there’s no need moving up and down.

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