I always believe in this philosophy; “You can blame somebody for tagging you a failure, but you’ve got yourself to blame for failing to denounce that name and embrace success”. Make up your mind today, grab knowledge; put your courage on like a belt to your trousers. Take hold of your pursuit, follow your heart relentlessly; build up your courage to survive the race of breakthrough.
          Whenever you dash your feet, don’t stop moving or reverse; move on untill you get to your destination. It you ever get it wrong, don’t be dismayed neither must you surrender; all you need to conquer is to be on the guard by buckling on your armour.
          For example, on the 22nd of May, 2010, a world’s record was broken, as a 13 year-old Jordan Romero (an American) became the world’s youngest person to climb the world’s highest mountain (the Mountain Everest). Romero had climbed other smaller mountains like the Kilimanjaro etc in other continents, while having hopes of climbing the highest mountain someday (that was determination that comes from within), and today, he had stood atop and higher—by living above-board and earning himself a mark of excellent victory.
          Once you make up your mind to achieve any feat, there is nothing you cannot do; do you bit today so your tomorrow would bring you praise from all and sundry. Strike now while the rod is hot in order to pave ways for your brighter future.

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