Margaret Thatcher said; “You must have to fight battle more than once to win it”. That’s where motivation and enthusiasm creeps into achievements. Life indeed is like a truck, nothing moves unless you push. You are the architect of your dreams; but you must stick with patience and resilience to grasp the hand of prosperity firmer. Don’t forget, confidence is what keeps your hope alive; even when every other atoms of life seem gone.
Life is not too difficult as we see it to be, we are the ones who had refused to read through its manual. Success is like a book, each page must be read and understood to make the book a memory-worth-keeping.
During the publishing of my first published work, "57 STEPS TO WALK INTO GREATNESS" I almost lost out due to financial pressure and other upheavals, it got to a stage, I was ready to pack out; but I remembered what one of my uncles used to tell me when I was growing up as a teenager, that, “Good things are not cheap, neither are cheap things good”. In that, I held onto my cross, in order to use it as a means of crossing over to the other side of my fortune, but today, I am proud of the decision I took, by refusing to give up on my dream of reaching for the stars.

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