There’s no limit to the height or success of any man whose mind is made up on greatness, but the person’s goals are determined by the creativity and positive-mindedness of the conceiver or pursuant of such idea.
There’s no telling you how much you can go or reach; if only you’d put in your very best to see that your pursuit is not merely to succeed or win, but to keep the winning or success spirit intact. More so, some people got to fail after getting close to the ladder whose steps bear success, due to their failure to hold onto the spirit of excellence in the form of perfection. For example, God created the earth, and noticed there wasn’t light and there was no dry land (imperfect) hence, he renewed his mind and caused everything to change for good; and at last it became perfect (land separated from waters (rivers), day separated from night etc); Genesis 1:
Indeed, there are some persons who enjoy doing things half way, haphazardly etc, without trying to pursue excellence via success etc. No matter what you do, your career, occupation etc; it’s very expedient you know that there’s reward in doing things excellently; after all God (our maker) is excellent.
In fact, we must not be told to do good things before we do them, we must not be rebuked for doing bad or unacceptable things before we stop or desist from them. Let’s be up and doing, loving what is but excellent because we are God-like.
Do not be moved by evil-mindedness, attracted by ungodly gains, destructive applauds etc. For example, many people engage themselves in the production of substandard drugs, body care products, importation of expired and adulterated health care and skin care products etc. If you are not enemies of national growth, saboteurs of government’s campaigns etc why won’t you be patriotic enough to stand out, by shunning anything that wouldn’t bring glory to God and your family. Desist from unwholesome practices that could cause pains to the people next to you etc.
Embrace excellence today, so substandard products could be far from us and completely eradicated.

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