Winners are not those who are surrounded by opportunities, neither are they those who have strength, money or who prays most often; rather, they are those who believe they can make a remarkable success in their pursuit for their dreams; by creating opportunities for their better tomorrow.
Indeed, it’s just obvious there’s only a thin-line separating a success from a failure; but if any man settles for the opposite of success by being lazy or succumbing to (the) loss of focus, fearful of taking positive risks or never being challenged with the success of people or things happening around him/her; that person, originally is a failure for having partnered with levity, doubts etc; hence, stagnation of progress and retrogression will be his portion.
Nobody is a failure unless he/she subscribed or opined to it; because, success or failure is in the mind. So if any of us wishes to survive this tough world of ours; he or she should be up and doing; by not settling for less or loss because, “What you think is what you are, what you are, is what you can give, hence what you give is what you will get in return”. In all work hard, think and act positive; I bet you, you will be uplifted positively to the top, where your resilience will cause you a breakthrough from within.
As a matter of fact, all men are born great; the only difference is that, some know and make good use of their fortunes while others don’t; yet, are being an instrument of success to the former who had known their gifts or gifting—by not settling for loss. Invariably, that’s why the poor are working (serving) the rich or the employees working for the employers, because the latter had defined their routes or status with destiny excellently. By working hard, making good use of their times and opportunities, learning new skills could put one ahead of his/her equals—having polished their gifts etc. In order to succeed; one must do all that is right and squeeze the available resources in the form of our energies; because, according to George Allen; “An achiever is the only individual who’s truly alive”.

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