Men are so simple of mind, and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty, who are ready to be deceived,…Niccolo Machiavelli.
Artists and artistes are the best set of liars; the former give you wrong gifts but paint or wrap them with colourful and irresistible coverings (package); while the latter are ready to dramatize scenes of make-the-audience believe they are all real; unknowing they were staged.(deceit of the highest order)
Indeed, do not have the fear of making mistakes; because, whenever you do, the boat of your victory of painting the choice would fasten its anchor on the way to sinking. Fear of mistakes shouldn’t be entertained in your imagination, due to your calculations and the popular saying in art (creative) that “Every mistake is a design”.
Moreover, whenever you want to do the colouring, please; make sure you do it [by] yourself; in order to suit your desires and serve the chief aim of its inception; in other words, if you give it to someone else to do, the person might do it against your wish – its aesthetic value would be debased and your reputation soured. Mind you, colours are innumerable, but it’s whatever colour you desire that would speak out the beauty.
Besides, according to David Hume No man needs despair of gaining converts to the most extravagant hypothesis who has art enough to represent it in favourable colours”. Moreover, “If you want to tell lies that will be believed; don’t tell the truth that won’t” Emperor Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Colouring your choices is one of the most creative concept any great thinker can think of, for example; it’s no more new or strange to see the manner every company tries to brand or re-brand their products with new packaging techniques; such that the consumers or end-users may see it/them as new formula or new products; unknowing they (companies) have been playing on their (consumers’) intelligence – For changing their products and advertisement pattern or channels; the hunger-for-the-products gets the consumers carried away; yet gets them running after the old-but-re-branded-assumed-new products; that’s indeed a big lie that was painted with truth and real colours of packaging; and that was exactly why Adolf Hitler said “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” in this, colour is your medium of selling your choice to the outside world.

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