Indeed, we’d better be as ready as soldiers, because our set backs are not far from us, but within us; and it’s only when we take the bulls by the horns to face them all without fear or favour. No matter whose ox is gored, as far as we can use all our mental resources in working assiduously to making sure we nip it in the bud—by so doing, we are on the safer side of the game (bravery).
In fact, as long as obstacles exist amidst us, it’s just our ignorance that had kept us from the solution to the problems; and until we fight the threats face-to-face, the remedy would merely be like a daydream; because, we are fighting the war ignorantly with bare hands; hence failure becomes our best bet. Besides, ignorance had kept us in the cage, bound by chains for too long; it’s only wisdom and knowledge that can set us free.
Let’s teach ourselves the courage to face our challenges and over-weigh them, because the chances of our survival or breakthroughs depend on the strength of our bravery—which is better taught now as a child is taught to speak.
Indeed, as long as there’s life, there are challenges and difficulties; because our level or heights in the journey of life are determined by our quest for perfection and the ability to stand our grounds by standing out; despite the turbulent wind blew by misfortune, catastrophic manipulations etc.

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