Difficulties really show men what things really are. Whenever events appear at their worst, it won’t be far to see the revelation of their best; so hold on to your determination, be propelled by the power of your dexterity and the gain of winning. JoCecilia Shinn said; “What you believe you can receive if you doubt it you will do without it”.
It’s obvious that, when any mind is made up, no amount of pressure can alter the position to be attained with regard to the decision taken. For example, the bible story of Daniel the prophet of the Most-High-God, who refused to succumb to the threats and desires of the king—(Daniel 1:7). According to Mildred McAfee; “If you have a great ambition, take as big a step as possible in the direction of fulfilling it but if the step is only a tiny one, don’t worry if it is the largest one now possible”.
When you compromise, your vision has become bleak, as such your day could become nigh without stars. Meanwhile, your strength is in your resistance to overcome every pressure or premonition. For instance, it Esau hadn’t despised his future pursuit for the sake of a bread and lentil stew (food); he wouldn’t have forfeited his birthright – Genesis 25:31 – 34.  Guy Kawasaki said; “While we are living, we need to get over ourselves and accept others if we want to enchant people”.
As a champion, do not entertain fear in your heart, neither must you rob shoulders with levity because complacency in turn rise from laziness and mediocrity. You are what you make of yourself; nobody can exchange your success with failure, nor turn your light into darkness without your consent. Anita R. Sneed-Carter said; “No one can take, nor steal what they did not give…”
According to Napoleon Hill; “Effort only fully releases it reward after a person refuses to quit”. So when you put you shoulders to [the] wheel to fight every temptation from all corners. Don’t forget, “fortune is on the side of the strong”so be strong in faith and in your actions; don’t be tossed around by difficulties.

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