It doesn’t matter where or how you started; what matters is that, you know your destination. Michael Jordan fought tooth and nail to see himself at the pinnacle of greatness, where he will be the envy of every success story lover.
          Becoming an achiever, you need to pay your price like young Adenuga did before he made his first millions at twenty-six years of age. Every destination has a beginning and it’s only a humble beginning that can lead to a humble and successful ending.
          According to Henry Longfellow; “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight; but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night”. This is really the scenario to depict the rationale behind the success of some people and the failure of others.
       It's obvious we cannot do anything outwardly unless we first start from the inside. our thoughts first precede in achieving or failing our goals before we practically manifest the outcomes. no man can fold his hands and expects the mind to work miracles. The bible said; "Faith without work is dead". so we must be up and doing--both in thoughts and actions.  To fail or to succeed, to do evil or to do good; to be truthful or to engage in falsehood...these, all come from the mind.

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