When pains like cancer infects me
Give me grace from above to spread my wings
If hardship, like an armed robber knock at my door
Give me solace to resist the shock
If death like the cop gets me arrested
I will need your prayers to get me exonerated
When the train of agony stops at my house
I shall do all things to cast it afar

When the drum of calamity echoes
I won’t think twice before I let it fallow
If my demeanour gets you upset
I beg your pardon, so I can seek redress

When the trumpet of death shall sound
I shall not wait for too long to hold my yawn
When the alarm of palava blows
I won’t waste my time, but prepare for morrow
When the bread of insecurity is served
I shall do anything to stop my breathe,
Whenever death prepares its dinner
I wouldn’t even mind, even if I get thinner
No matter the beauty of death’s colours
No one would want to use them for his/her corridor
No matter the strength of truth
A small lie can weigh it down into two.

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