How much do you know of great people? Do you know their pasts; if you are reading their presents? You have to take the courage to face the turmoil; no matter the level of shame – since it can’t be avoided, it must be with patience endured.
Do you know that every record breaker once had to bear some shames before his/her scar became a star? It’s true that every great man or woman that is up there today must have had an ugly and horrible past. Besides, once we know the question, solve the equation – I bet you, the answer wouldn’t be farfetched due to the knowledge of the crown after the tussle.
Not withstanding the hardship experienced during the toiling time. It’s certain that no hard worker [that] wouldn’t be rewarded according to his sweat. Indeed, I would call the hard times “the planting season” and after which comes the harvest.
Shames are like the road way to the top, (success), they are crowns in disguise; no matter how they may come or appear, but once one can overcome the trepidations, bear the shame, resist quitting etc; I bet you, God wouldn’t want to forsake you. A good example was Christ’s life on earth; he suffered afflictions, betrayal, tortures and a host of unbearable psychological, spiritual and physical humiliations. When he (Christ) was passing through test (water and fire) he didn’t feel regrets in him; neither did he blame God for all the sufferings, rather he kept on committing himself to the selfless service; because he knew his reward was greater than anything material or whatever money can buy.(The crown of eternal glory).
Shames are the bridges you must cross to get to your destination (stardom), but when you allow the shame to linger for too long, it then becomes your fault.

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