Do not underestimate yourself or your ability concerning creative possibilities; hence, develop your potentials in order to suit your yearnings, and bring out the beauty and strength of your expertise (mentally and creatively). Keeping your focus intact and concentrating on the solutions of the difficulties you are encountering by bearing in mind, your destination—which only the strong and unflinching purposefulness can bring about?
Meanwhile, you should always believe in yourself, if you wish others to count on you. Believe or trust your capabilities; that was exactly why Johan Gutenberg didn’t conceived the idea of doubting his ability, when he embarked on the journey of inventing the (magic) machine used for transferring letter, images etc into papers or any flat surface (known as printing).
According to Myles Monroe, “We shouldn’t capitalize only on our intelligence or imaginations by mere wishing”. Because, if we are intelligent yet, refused to make use of our gifts to build a bridge between our present and our future; we would continue to be enslaved by money, and forever work for our counterparts who are wiser and smarter; therefore, by penury and dejection intertwined like a string; that could be what changed the guts and skills of Yuri Gagarin, when he dreamt of becoming the first human to travel to space which, he defended and protected till it became (a) fruition in 1961.
More so, Luis Armstrong quit the spirit of doubts, fears and procrastination; when he opted for the first (God-made) man to walk on the moon because he sooner realized that doubt is a canker that eats up a prospect before it’s earmarked.
As a matter of fact, geniuses are not spiritual beings, but humans, who have blood; and dwell on this planet (earth) like you and i do, thereby working harder by bringing in their one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration; which was what motivated and inspired the Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur Wright); while, they were not stopped or distracted by the negative mentality of harbouring doubts in their hearts about their potentiality. Hence, they went ahead to become the first-flying-house manufacturers (known today as airplane) in 1902.

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