Doubt is a symptom of fear; and this could bury a dream before it’s born; that was the only enemy or barrier that could have weighed Vasco Da Gamma down when he was discovering the sea route to India, but he bound such fears before time. Despite all the troubled waters from the stormy sea weather to the deadly animals (creatures) inside the waters, he didn’t wished God to dry up the turbulent seas or reduce the volatility of the situations; hence prayed for a divine powers and enablement for him to sail through (over) the waters.
As a matter of fact, Abraham Lincoln of the United States was a faithful believer of dreams; who, after all attempts and efforts to become a notable figure in the American political history; which almost ended up fruitlessly as a result of one failure to another (from the senatorial to the gubernatorial, presidential etc) which later saw the light of the day when it was almost over (as the president of God’s own country – the United States of America at the age of 52 (fifty two).
Abraham Lincoln was a true servant of patience; and a true believer of himself, he knew his dreams wouldn’t die prematurely; hence he took the best medicine that cured his fears, denial of breaking from the bondage of stopping his desires and killing his dreams before birth – that medicine was “DETERMINATION” which made him one of the most respected American president ever.
Standing tall in the face of obstacles depends on our ability to know whom we are and where we are going to, irrespective of situations surrounding the motives; because, if we do not know whom we are; people may tend to mistake us for whom we are not, and when we do not know where we are going to, someone else might take us to another destination (where we may not even know or wished to go) (i.e. ignorance).
Moreover, doubting is a barrier to growth; or breaking through from any form of enslavement – it could be financial, social or religious, which was exactly why Abraham and Sarah of the Holy bible were able to produce children when their child-bearing times were over – but having known that nothing is impossible before God, as long as they believed; and at last it came to pass– that was faith of the highest order without doubts.

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