Do not fear errors or mistakes; indeed, no one succeeds without failing; even the geniuses and record breakers you hear of had failed in one or two contests (trials) before getting their way through. Moreover, learn to be like a toddler who; when trying to walk, he falls; but gets up and keeps trying until his legs are strong enough to carry him through.
As a matter of fact, the microscope had its birth when Janssen envisaged that minute organisms that are not visible to our naked eyes could cause the human more harm than good; thereby, brought the idea of inventing a machine that could magnify the images or organisms that are very small for the eyes to view nakedly; in all, his daring course of building a microscope became a fruition in the end.
Indeed, Michael Faraday knew it was possible, having sat down to study the dynamics of electromagnetic fields (electricity) where he discovered that electromagnetic fields (waves etc) could generate electric current (electricity) which could be transformed as an electrical energy with the aid of a transformer to help electrify or power loads (appliances, equipments etc); all these worked because of the magic of improvisation, devotedness and purposefulness to excel.

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