Being committed in the pursuit of success or greatness is akin to a marriage; whereby the two parties (bride and groom) have to put in their very best in terms of love (affection) unity, appreciation of each other, acknowledging that none is indispensable; hence they become synergized in practice. It’s obvious that, one flower however, cannot make a beautiful garden; and being committed to achieve any set goal or dream would propel one to become more energetic, focused, distinctive and head-on.
By giving all the resources, (attention, materials skills) etc would give one a step ahead; not minding the chaos or troubled waters that might surface in the future. Commitment is like giving the best gift at the right time; hence you put the recipient under obligation, such as becoming tamed or under your tutelage without fear of misdirection etc.
When you give all you have and do it with the whole of your heart, the reward is usually beyond expectation. Knowledge; according to Joseph Addison “Is indeed, that which is next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another”; So if you wish to be raised above your equals, you had better be more committed to whatever that you are doing today. Wear your passion or gift like belt to your waist, so your trousers wouldn’t fall off.
As a matter of fact, it takes but a perfect person at a perfect time to make a perfect impact in his/her generation; the perfect time is now and that perfect person is you. Despite the wealth of experience you may have acquired, there are no two ways or short cuts to troubled waters, due to the fact that life is no bed of roses; move on, bear the upheavals, keep on the goal-aiming mission; you will get hold of it… If only you refuse to quit.

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