Indeed, money is a defense or power house to those who have it; and it brings those men who lack it intimidation--by those who have gotten it. In fact, money is like weapon of warfare to the people who have acquired it; but in this; great care has to be taken in order to avoid the temptation of being ruined by quest for money powers; as does the influence of speed that kills.
Money indeed is a good servant, but not a good master; because if one doth make money or financial gains his/her utmost proceeds, such a person may soon be evicted from the standpoint of financial success; due to the uncontrolled quest for wealth (avarice).
Money has broken so many relationships, it has soured so many prospects due to its domineering spirit and betrayal syndrome; for example, the uncontrolled appetite for money was what made Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Indeed, that was why the bible book of 1Timothy 6:10 condemned the love of money, as the root of all iniquities. Let your deeds be trustworthy, let your actions be unquestionable either monetarily or otherwise because; “Money is never spent to so much advantage as when you have been cheated out of it”Arthur Schopenhauer.
Money is irresistible; its temptation could make any man lose his/her direction if he loses focus. Learn to be that man, whom the spirit of money wouldn’t intoxicate, that woman whom the temptation of pride wouldn’t overwhelm. Be that fellow, whom the power of greed wouldn’t consume, learn to be that person, who wouldn’t do anything mischievous; all for the sake of amassing wealth at the detriment of another fellow (human). Learn to build a good name with an invaluable reputation; that would attract noblemen near and far to you. Good name according to Shakespeare “Is the immediate jewel of the soul of any man or woman”.

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