Our successes in life are not determined by our certificates, degrees, awards etc neither are our greatness in life precipitated by our age, culture, religion, sex or our course of study; but by bringing our I.Q (Intelligent Quotient) to bear; such as making use of our knowledge and ability –together to effect the difference. For instance, most people go to school to study how to pass (their) exams, tests and get good grades, but I must tell you this, the richest people today may not have been the people with the best grades as at yesterday. Moreover, not that good grade is bad, but good grade from a dull (brilliant but-not-intelligent) brain without creative spirit can’t do anything with the certificates or good grades.
The difference between intelligence and brilliance is that, the former can improvise in difficult situations; while the latter can do nothing than give you what you gave to it (i.e. copycat, photo-reproduction) which wouldn’t change anything. A good example is, for instance in a class where these two sets of candidates are in, and an exam question is set such as; (Q).what ways are means of traveling abroad (USA from Nigeria to be specific)? Options; (A) by car, (B) by donkey (C) by ship. Naturally, the correct option is C which is ship since there’s no airplane, but the most brilliant amongst the two will decide not to mark or chose any option because he/she was taught that the only means of traveling abroad is by air, via airplane by his/her tutor; unknowing that there are two ways to answering questions – the right way and the wrong way. But because the second student was intelligent, he/she would quickly chose the correct option amongst the selected options.
Meanwhile, it’s only those people who can think for themselves (the intelligent); the ones who can solve problems, people who can use Intelligent Quotients to solve quantitative problems such as manipulations (improvisation) etc, are the only ones who can stand taller beyond their equals in the times of needs.
More so, remember always that, the people that want to succeed must solve other people’s problem or else they will be overwhelmed by the hardship of today. And always know that the kind of solutions you rendered determine your pay, so if you want to have a big or huge take-home-cash, you had better learn to solve more mind-cracking & brain-searching problems or questions.

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