Building a business is likened to building a house- you must not wait until you get the money to start the house to finish, rather if what (how much) you have can afford a nail-procure nail, if it can afford zinc, go for zinc by doing this, you are also preparing before the completion day; instead of waiting for the mega money to complete the building or business. Of a truth, these sets of persons complaining of no enough  capital to start a cottage industry or pet-shop etc are people who are lazy, failures, and purposeless mediocre. In fact, God promised us that “in the midst of shortage he will bless us with abundance”
           Ernest Hemmingway said; “As long as you can start, you are all right. The   juice will come”. Just start where you are, with whatever resources you have, be focused, disciplined, prayerful, God will surprise you with indescribable increase because of your faith exhibition.
           According to Calvin Coolidge, “No man was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been rewarded for what he gave”, give the little of your gift services etc to the world so as to get honoured – whatever we do for ourselves alone dies with us, but what we do for others by virtue of our services rendered keeps our joy boundless.

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