O! my body, soul and spirit
Let’s soar so highly
Like the eagles sight so sharply
Swish your skirt neatly, but nimbly
Let my blood pressure rise, but swiftly
Jingle the bells as the day breaks
So we can tinkle the glass without delay
Kiss me freely and romantically
Let me forget my hardship long waiting
Squeeze me mercilessly, but carefully
Let me regret my foolhardy

Le me reject my past sorrows
And the sadness of endless tomorrow
Hold me quickly and warmly
Like a child to a mother let me not waste a minute

Let me dance for you
That dance like the Ojejeku’s
The dance that will linger till a new dawn
Till we all morn our days that were gone
Let me sing for you, a pretty song so cool
The song that made us but one not two
The song that defy all laws
That law was the love we so much treasure

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