Strolling through the corridors of success, one could notice it wasn't built with mere weakling idiosyncratic, talking mentality or wishing all would come into places when he didn't do anything to chance the paradigm of things. None of us can change tomorrow, unless we change today. we are responsible for our own success or failure. "We are the architects of our own fortune"

no need to fight anyone for our shortcomings. we are capable of bouncing back from failures into successes. never endeavour to run away from any challenge, no matter how big or frustrating it may appear. patience will always save your name in the last days. champions are not crazy about gaining times at all costs, they prepare their schedules and make up for lost times if need be. don't quit the struggles, you are sure to reign in the end of the struggles.

Tough roads always lead to smooth endings. Hard times usually refine the ready hands and prepared hearts like gold passing through the hottest degree of fire. According to Margaret Mitchell; “Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect”. We cannot afford to play ignorance to knowing the fact that life is never fair to anyone. We must go out for whatever we want from life. There are no excuses for allowing others take control of the world before we wake up from our slumber. We must all be awake and at an alert status if we must remain in consonance with the tides of life.

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