The force that led to the fall of Goliath wasn’t the spirit of victory in David alone, but the pride and over-exaggeration that led to David being underestimated by the so-called giant Goliath. Besides, no body is an island or a monopolist of strength or victory.
As a matter of fact, victory is not measured in a rush; until after the fight (contest), before we know the winner; because, in football or any game, no team should be underrated or else the big teams that are underestimating other smaller ones might get the shocker of their lives. – It’s often said; it’s not over until it’s over (that’s when the final whistle is blown).
The bible made us to understand something that; pride goes before a fall, that was exactly what broke the strength of Goliath the Philistine. Because reputation is a goldmine, it shouldn’t be allowed to be contaminated by enemies; or else we soon lose it than winning.
Indeed, do avoid looking down on any person, group of persons, countries, companies etc because, if we are to go by size as a means to measuring strength, America wouldn’t be the world most powerful country today, but because it’s not by might, not by power nor about how we feel, but how it should be.

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