Mother they say is supreme—this is neither joke nor a fallacy. Over the years, many thoughts keep coming to my mind, as to how it feels for husbands to watch their wives go through the struggles of carrying the fruit of the womb for such long painful months of not less than nine.

Sometimes, I stop to wonder how the world would have become if there were no women to fill the earth with human existence as the bible commanded in Genesis. Or better still, why didn’t God made it an alternative for pregnancy to be transferred from women to men? These were some of the pondering questions running through my mind sometimes whenever i see women battling with the pains of pregnancy, but I know that God has plans for everything He made and they were all made perfectly.

Moreover, no right thinking man would derive joy in seeing his wife or the mother of his child suffer excruciating pains all through the tough moments of pregnancy. I wish every man can become so loving and caring to their wives throughout this period of stress and pains for the pregnant woman. As a matter of fact, women deserve unreserved commendation, perpetual love and unending praise, due to their role in making the world a better place to live in.

As a matter of fact, what pains me most is whenever I see any child abusing or insulting the parents, most especially the mother—I feel so devastated and tensed up, because they do not know how hard it’s to become a mother. Motherhood is a state of consciousness, and not every woman is a mother.

Fathers should please assist your wives in these areas to help promote peace, tranquility and harmonious togetherness in their homes.
  •         During pregnancy, fathers should help in pampering their wives
  •         Father should sometimes help in cooking, because women feel special when they are treated as queens
  •         Fathers should help in massaging their wives’ body to help reduce pains and cramps
  •        Most often, fathers should assist in the laundry because it’s too strenuous for pregnant women
  •         As the pregnancy progresses, fathers should learn to help bathing their wives as their hands can hardly go through the whole body
  •         From time to time, fathers should always dress and paint their wives’ nails
  •         Above all, every woman deserve love and protection, always be there for them to show how safe and protected they are with you
  •         Take your wives on a date, walk around holding hands in love—every woman feel special that way

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