Echoes of Agony

My motherland
So famous amongst the black lands
With unequalled unique strengths
Without grumbles compatriots led
Out of shame hunger arrests
Like a beautiful woman
In short of character, was divorced
For noise making she was recognized
Like an empty song without a word
Or a lonely tree in a desert-land
From afar, our house looks clean,
Come inside, it’s worst than a dustbin
From abroad it stinks
Like the pee of a beast
In fiasco, its government is piloted
In no time, I wish we could change
From ungodly-inhuman lifestyle of miscreants breeding,
Of unfulfilled promises and
Unreachable goals settings

Let’s make Nigeria ours
And Africa indeed by us be proud

O! Great and handsome Nigeria
Why are you so naughty?

Like a thug of war
The executive with the judiciary fights
Between legislature and judiciary wrestles
Before time their wars linger
Like a smoulder, it burns without fire
In a calamity of power tussles
Under godfatherism tutelage

Before assembly, you made vows
Before God and angels, you read your manifestos
Before saints and sinners oath of office you took
Unto men and animals you’ve betrayed
Birds in chagrin, whisper of your failures
Here, in solace we quest
In anguish, we had become like the agama sobbing
Like owl at night, in doom we soar
From nowhere roaming to and fro

In search of power, all the earth strolled
Now approved, like harmattan blows
Ill-wind from no where shows
Till God comes, in Nigeria there’s no hope
Let’s pray, if only we can for a while wait
Nigeria will for sure be great someday

O! What a shame?
A nation, once by all adored
Abound by riches aggravated
By oil wealth, overnight escalated
By unity, its ladders were climbed in the past
By rapacity, its grave was dug at last

O! Oil-rich Nigeria
Long hobbled by political instability
Its future, hijacked by religious sham
The majority isolating the minority groups
Greed for selfish interest, everyday increasing
Love for ungodly and unpatriotic activities escalating
Unruly deeds on the run, like wildfire
Like the sun, its shadows are farther

O! What a shameful day
Corruption had resurfaced
Intertwined Nigerians firmly like Siamese twins
By greed, a land is embezzled
A surplus infrastructure in deficit
Due process had become a national Anthem
Law breaking had become the order of the day

O! What a bad child from good parents
A nation blessed, yet cursed
A land sanitized, yet guilty
 A land cleansed, yet soiled
A name so melodious, yet disgusting
A home so hospitable, yet non-habitable

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