Light up the fire in you. That fire that keeps asking for a lighter to get you started. Spark that sun in you and let your vision become brighter than ever. Paint your world with whichever colour that suites you, but make sure you adorn it very attractively. According to Dallas Willard; “There is no avoiding the fact that we live at the mercy of our ideas. This is never more true than with our ideas about God”.
God was very wise in his decisions with regards to creation and everything about life; this He made decisively, fearlessly, impartially and unbiased, by giving us the choice to make do with whatever we want etc. For example, God made almost everything in pairs such as, the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, the right and wrong, day (for hustling) and night (for rest), man and woman, the heavens and the earth; not because He can’t/couldn’t make them without alternatives, but he choose to mandate you with a choice of whatever that pleases you.


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