It’s unbelievable and ridiculous how a lot of people do not know how easy it’s to ride through the road of success. You can easily make it through the hard-tough-road to stardom; this is only if you are willing to thread on the path of hard work, preparedness and innovations; and above all, be patient enough to anchor your dreams on the hope of a viable tomorrow. 

 After achieving a noble feat, you soon find out that there are many more great feats to be achieved. And having reached a higher state of success, you would begin to experience the bitter side of temptations, coming in form of discouragements, boredom etc.  You might seem not good enough, your price may not have worth the prize; but not to worry because, according to Thomas Edison; “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time”.

Do not expect overnight success, but do believe in the power of your gift and the sweat of your labour. Magicians are only those who crave for instant results or expecting a financial lift without due course of preparation and application of energy amidst time. Moreover, anything gotten in a rush or any success achieved overnight is a sign of danger and its glory will not last, but not for another day.

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