According to Pindar; “Hopes are but the dreams of those who wake”.
High hopes could energize one when he/she knows where his/her destination is; Hope according to Samuel Johnson, “is a species of happiness and perhaps the chief happiness which this world affords”.
While waiting on the emergence of hope to manifest in due time, put all your best to bring you the life you’ve long for. Don’t forget all men are born great; the only difference is that, some knew and made use of their opportunities, while others refused to walk in the light, hence became an instrument of success to the wise amongst the strong.
Moreover, According to Sasha Azevedo; “If you want success, then don’t rely on other people to do what YOU can do”. Focus on your bright future—by employing your expertise to see that you get all you need to cross, the border of where you are to the next level where you wishes and deserved to be.
Socrates said; “Employ your times in improving yourself, but other men’s writings, so you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for”. Don’t look down on yourself, and never you give up on yourself—you are on the verge of breaking the jinx, you are the best candidate for success hence, there’s no stopping you.
Do not be cunning or try to play smarter, because whatever one show that’s what he/she will reap. Don’t be in a rush, “The end they say justifies the means”. In all, wait upon the Lord—so you can mount up with wings as eagle, renew your strength and remain steadfast to God’s time—which invariably is the best. According to Sujit Lalwani; “Nothing comes Home…You have to get OUT and Get IT”. Happiness indeed, is better found in doing, than in possessing the skills and energies to do.

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