The greatest pain any man can inflict on himself is to have eyes without vision or to have brain without ability to reason. Nobody determined where you are today, but the seeds you sown yesterday are the driving force that would take you far or near. Whatever stages of life you are now are as a result of what you make of every opportunity you had in the past. G.K Chesterton said; “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him”. You must learn to have a little iota of hope that can drive your passion in to good use. It’s obvious; knowledge without practice is no use.

Do not allow the passion in you to wax cold. You can enkindle the power of your desires to make a name for yourself—by holding onto the baton of success stories in your generation. Passion is like a love in a relationship; to keep it going, you must show it while the affair lasts. According to Vincent van Gogh; “A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke”. Our passion is our power; we cannot employ energies into anything, unless we’ve got the powers. Passion is the greatest part of achieving success even with the most skilled artist. Talents or skills without passion are likened to cities without defense.

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