According to Charles Darwin; “It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change”. In 1895, the birth of a car that could solve the problem of mobility from one place to another was announced. The car was the first ever to be powered by gasoline; which in all ramification outstripped Gustave’s invention. This-one-of-a-lifetime-wonder car was granted a patent in 1896 as the first ever car granted patent worldwide. The mystery of this wonder was a product and brain of Karl Benz [a German].
Varieties they say is the spices of life; hence, Karl Benz, became also the first to invent the car with an internal combustion Engine. This determination to fulfill his ambition became a success in the year 1896.
Victory is a promotional device, and whenever you win, you feel motivated; but each time you lose (or fail) the terrors grip you in fears and in confusion; thereby you lose concentration. As you celebrate your success, make sure you stand firmer whenever adversity visits, for when the days are darkest, the owls take the lead in the best of vision. According to Albert Einstein; “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer”.

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