Your business in life is to increase people’s comfort through values creation. Putting smiles on people’s faces is not determined by how much money you have in your    bank account or your line of business etc; but a little drop of water they say makes a mighty ocean. Your service might not be as big or wholly as you would have expected, but if well rendered, it would touch lives in its meagre ways.

Do you know how much the world expected you to have contributed your quota—not in cash, but in service to raise the bar of success-driven people? What are those things that give you unequal measure of joy and deep satisfaction? Take your time out; do a reflection from within your inner mind and in the end, take hold of them till the end of time. According to Napoleon Hill; “Find out what you really love to do and then find a way to make a good living doing it”.

Your destiny is not in the hands or in possession of anyone else, but you. Take the road of your unique gifting (talents and calling); thread on it, until you derive real fulfilment. Do not forget, the important thing about winning is the courage to begin, even when you do not know what’s next. Debbie Fields said; “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is not to try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it”.

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