Getting ready at all times is a trailblazer, it would put you in the pedestal of ground-breaking success. In the book of Matthew 25: 1-, the five (5) virgins that were not prepared with enough oil in their lamps were not allowed to see or meet with the bridegroom. Always be ready prepared, the next phone call might be your bridegroom.
             In the business of success, it’s no use saying you are doing your best, it would be better if you do what is necessary – whatever that deserves to be done, do it. Always be on guard to keep the hope of your future alive.
              According to Abraham Lincoln “Let us have faith, that right makes might; and in that faith let us to the end, dare to do our duties as we understand”. When we put our energies to play, brains to work and our hands to support, you wouldn’t believe to the extent we can go. Do not forget, great ambition is the passion of great character. Those endowed with it may are sure to be celebrated.

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