Help! Help!! Help!!!
My soul cried out in loud voice
Help me speak out my anger
Help me show the world my dismay
That a nation was was great, yet falling so fast into abyss

Come to my aid all you kindhearted
Give me a helping hand to climb these broken walls
Show me love now the world is against me
Help, Help, Help
Help me now that i can't do it all alone
Help me with your voice
let the whole generation know
That a nation is fading so quick

Sing out loud
Sing out loud, let the world hear our voices
Say it aloud let the passersby come to our rescue 
Help! Help!! Help!!!
Now, i need you like never before 
Because a land will so be wiped by poverty

Help me carry this heavy burden of my nation
Help me rebuild these walls of my hope
Help me seal these cracks of disunity
Let's all come together as a people 
Let's come all ye together and fight the divide
For a people are cheated by greed and wickedness

Help! Help!! Help!!!
Let's join hands together to reconstruct our lost glory
Let's recycle our fading happiness
Help us to restructure our dying patriotism 
Nigeria will be great again

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