None of us can run away from our problems, the best we can do is to endure the pains and face the shames and hardship decisively in order to win the war of poverty and cowardice. as children of the living God, we are never suppose to fail or be faced with shame; it is our inability to do what is right at the right time, this had kept us afar from our destinies. 
Moreover, when you chose another person’s destiny by; wanting to be someone else, it means you have automatically forfeited your inheritance with God and from your ability. For example, most people you see today as failures may have sold their destiny to buy some other people’s idea or destiny; simply, for the fact that they are excelling in one field or the other. – This, I will call “blind and visionless dream”. Tim Fargo said; “Opportunity doesn’t make appointments, you have to be ready when it arrives”. Nothing kills a man, that his immediate conscience and self-guilt. we must appreciate the way God has made us, rather than complain we could have chosen other illicit ways out or stick to complaining.
Champions are never disappointed in whatever challenges they face, rather, they turn ever situation around to the favour and uprising. You must never be vigilant at all times, to know when the right hour of pushing forward shows up. According to Orrin Woodward; “Success is assured when a person fears the pain of regret more than the pain of the process”.

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