In the mid seventieth century, when the quest for an automatic moving kiosk-called-car (vehicle) became of utmost importance to the human society; there became series of trials from people (inventors) from all auto-designers and automakers alike.
Firstly, in 1872, a car powered by steam as the first attempt was invented by Ferdinald Verbiest; who was an experimentalist and a missionary [sent] to China. Hence, gave birth to the first human ever attempted automobile production in China.
In 1876, there was an improvement to what Verbiest invented – this time it was a self-propelled car (a three wheeler) designed by Nicholas Cugnot).
Francois, Isaac Rivas, a Swiss inventor; [He] designed an invented the first ever car with an internal combustion engine—though, the car was fueled with a mixture of oxygen + Hydrogen. Francois car was invented in 1806; but didn’t succeed the test of time.
According to Alexander Pope; “A little learning is a dangerous thing”. In 1881, Gustave Frouve designed and invented the first ever car powered by electricity, which was demonstrated at an international Exhibition of Electricity in Paris—according to the law of life, ‘change is inevitable’, hence his invention failed to satisfy the demand for the use of automobiles worldwide; most especially in less developed countries as ours in the African sub-region to be specific.

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