The distance between where you are now from where you wannabe is just “time”. This is the time for you to bring out the best in you in order to get the best of life. There’s always greater works to be done in order to set the pace we are out for. According to Jaachynma Agu; “Don’t blow off another’s candle for it won’t make yours shine brighter”. You must engage yourself in meaningful ventures, instead of squandering and squeezing-away your precious time.
Threading on the course of light, means that you would soon get to the key point, which is akin to reaching out to a stream is perceived when you are approaching a valley; besides, you should be glad that you are close to the source. Meanwhile, on no account should you give out your time and expertise on the platter of what others think; and neither must you set your priorities on what other people deem is ideal—you are the only person who owns your future in your hands. Always remember; God is never tired of spreading the sun out every morning, retrieving it in the evenings and causing the moon to rule over the nights.

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