As a matter of fact, “Those that know their God shall do exploit”. According to Samuel Clover, “Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; but they are the instruments of the wise”. Whenever you leave your battle for God, he would fight it until your victory is recorded and celebrated by all around you. Do not underestimate the powers of God He has given to you, Jesus Christ said in the book of Matthew; “If we believe, and say to any mountain, be it removed and be casted into the ocean without doubt in our hearts, it shall be done the way we wished”.
             Whenever we want to advance positively in life, there’s only one problem that seems to be the predominant, that could veer us from our set goals and then preclude us from earmarked breakthroughs that things in our hearts. According to Frank Tyger, “Your future depends on many things, but mostly you”.   Moreover, John Mason said, “When you have a great dream, your mind will be your biggest foe”. In this regard, discipline is your best bet; discipline yourself at all costs; without compromise.
              Moreover, there is a little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself. Conquer yourself today, so you wouldn’t retreat tomorrow, because; once you retreat it means you’re surrendered and whoever surrenders is a weakling.
               Acting beyond faith transcends religious teaching, but doubtless conviction that could cause unmerited breakthroughs. In fact, Prank Crane said, “Our best friends and our worst enemies are the thoughts we have about ourselves”. Wining the wars of poverty and failures is magical; we must all stand to practice what we’ve learnt in the best of abilities.

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