When we thread on the path of successful breakthroughs, we shall indeed break forth into a world of endless possibilities. 
George Eastman was born in Waterville, New York in 1854. As a self-educated vision bearer, he was able to persuade all his intelligent quotients (IQs) to respond to the fastest growing pace of change in the ways solutions are most sought after worldwide. The use of celluloid instead of paper, he produced the first photographic film. Eastman’s inventions paved ways for all modern films, which are made of acetate or polyester or plastics that are less flammable than celluloid.
The absence of colour photograph before the 20th century, gave Eastman the insight to break the strength of mediocrity that orchestrated boredom, choicelessness and regrets. Since 1935 and 1936 when the creative mentality of people who were ready to sing their songs louder before the very noblest, Kings and Queens all over the world; hence the Koda chrome and the Agfa colour films were introduced by Eastman’s companies to produce colour transparencies or slides.

According to Henry Ford; “Any business that makes nothing but money is a poor business”. Eastman’s business wasn’t to pursue money per se; rather he built a wall of beauty around the world via the rendering of excellent picture qualities. George Eastman pioneered the embrace of the colourfulness of one’s life through the introduction of various hues of elaborate photographic productions. 

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