Because every change comes with a new pain, and it’s obvious that those who refuse to change would continue to be bound in chains. Defy the dogmas of conventional approach of dealing with situations or circumstances; pull yourself together and take the bull by the horns. According to president Barrack Obama of the U.S.A., as part of his speech to eulogize the Americans and the world at large, for celebrating his victory with him on his swearing-in day (January 20th 2009); he said and I quote, “Whenever you fall, hop yourself up, dust yourself and forge ahead…indeed, you will excel”.
Walking into greatness is neither a fire-brigade pattern, nor a do-it-quick syndrome; but it’s a peregrination that must be approached with utmost sense of seriousness, dexterity and the etiquette of success view point.
Make hay while the sun shines, try cutting the Gordian knot, abstaining from chasing shadows instead of substances – do not forget; all that glitters is not gold. Do not let every Tom, Dick or Harry throw dust into your eyes, due to ignorance etc; keep an eye on, even when you are on the horns of a dilemma; do not be blindfolded by rejection or obsessed with the spirit of failures or confusion; – push on, the eleventh hour promises to come off with flying colours.

Your greatness is not to be negotiated; neither is it displayed at the market place for sale, so do not go a-begging due to the fear of losing out. Be bold to take your destiny in your own hands. You are God’s best – do not subscribe to quitting, because God can’t fail, you are a candidate of greatness not by virtue of power, but by the spirit of positive conviction that dwells inside of you.

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